Fats are most dangerous in the lower abdomen
Fat is most dangerous-bestinfovillage.blogspot.com |
Fats are most dangerous in the lower abdomen. Mats are more dangerous than anywhere else. Thick fat hip is more dangerous than fat deposits. All health problems associated with fat deposits in the lower abdomen For example, cardiovascular disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Genetics or genes may be somewhat involved with being fat, where fat is even with it. But the situation is worse if it is faulty with the way of life. Thick fat must be removed.Have to reduce carbohydrate, eat fruits and vegetables to reduce the amount of food you eat every meal.
Exercise with Green Tee.It reduces the weight of the body. Researchers say that it helps to burn fat in the abdomen.Read more
The preparation to prevent chikungunya-
What is Chikunagunya?: The disease is not contagious, mosquito bites. If with the affected patient, sleeping on one bed, eating together-eating does not spread the disease. But within 7 days of the attack, mosquitoes can bite and bite the other side and spread the disease.
Mosquito eradication-bestinfovillage.blogspot.com |
There is no risk of death - no matter where it is true: Chikungunya's death is not risk. However, those who suffer from other diseases, such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, cancer, asthma etc., the disease is risky. Resistance: No antidote, vaccine or vaccine of chikungunya fever has been discovered yet. The importance of resistance to salvation from this disease is more. One way to get rid of the disease is to protect yourself from bites of mosquitoes and to destroy the mosquito breeding and surrounding breeding grounds to prevent the spread of adis mosquito. Personal alert and mosquito resistance are important.
Personal Alert: Edis mosquito basically bites during the day, but it may bite even more light at night. The way to survive mosquito bites is to cover most parts of the body such as flowering shirts and flower pants, use mosquito in the daytime, use spray, lotion, cream, and netting on doors and windows.
Mosquito eradication: The dead body of the Edis mosquito dies after cleansing water in any vessel, flower tub, bathroom, refrigerator or under water, on the verandah or roof, after 3 to 5 days. It is better to clean the cork with a bowl to remove the eggs of the mosquito trapped on the pot. The unused pot should be reversed so that the water can not grow.Read more
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